
SpineworksIn essence, this is Spineworks; working in co-operation with this process. It recognises each person’s unique body history of injuries and pain with many hidden memories within. The present pain is the result of all the small knocks and bumps that a person has had in their life – as well as the few major ones.

Spineworks addresses non  specific pain

Bones do not move by themselves.
Muscles move them.
Muscles do not move by themselves.
Nerves tell them.
Nerves do not give the instructions by themselves.
The brain tells them.

Spineworks addresses what doctors call non-specific pain which, in a nutshell, means no-one knows what has caused it. This will often be when you tell me something like “I just leant over to pick up a book and something clicked!” It also addresses pain where the cause is fairly obvious such as recent injury. And even in this case there is always a history leading to that event which needs addressing.

Thus, despite its name, Spineworks is a holistic, full-body treatment, head to toe. The spine moves with every movement we make and it also protects the spinal chord which is the nerve pathway to every movement and the control for every organ. Thus problems of and around the spine (eg tight musculature) can affect many seemingly unrelated health problems.

Spineworks uses specific neuro-muscular techniques, along with other concepts such as muscle-energy techniques, tailored to the ethos of no force. This approach, working with you, the client, brings a restoration of disrupted brain-nerve-muscle communication, working with the body at a deep, non-conscious, neurological level. In effect I think this taps into the internal muscle memory and resets the link between the brain and the muscle. In turn this stimulates the healing processes of the body thus evaporating pain, relieving muscle spasm and speeding the healing processes. In this way it is the person’s own system itself that releases and relaxes the muscle.

Once tense muscle has started to release it opens two other possibilities; there is always a beneficial knock-on effect in related muscles of reducing tension and, because there is less tension now on the skeletal structure, it can be helped back into alignment without force; and often it will do it by itself. In this way we can genuinely make a permanent improvement.

by Ian Jarvis

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